It seems a bit odd to call this the first day, we have had two already, but the summer days are when the Institute really takes off. It is in the summer when we come together daily as writers, learners, professionals, ...teachers. That order is significant.
First, consider yourself when you come each day as a writer. What a luxury! A day to pursue your writing, uninterrupted. You can turn off the cell phone, not answer e-mail, and just write. I like what Matt said this morning, if he wasn't here he wouldn't write. Unfortunately that is true for most of us. So let's consider this a gift of writing time and write freely each am, draft, share what you have written, receive feedback, and become a writer. Maybe you will write even when you aren't here.
Second, you are a learner. For many of us this is not something we are allowed to admit. We are the experts. We are the teachers. To admit to not knowing something and having to learn something can be unsettling. But it is in that admission that true freedom to learn lies. For when I am willing to lay aside what I believe, willing to be disturbed, to let my thinking be suspended for a bit, knowing that later I will be able to reflect on the experience and grow professionally, then I am empowered. I am energized. I am learning.
I love that it is teachers who come together to learn. Teachers who give up time during their summer break (and Saturdays and some Thursdays). Teachers who are at home reading and writing, doing homework, reflecting on what they did during the day. Teachers. Professionals. I embrace the word professional. Let no one say you are "just a teacher". This is probably one of the most demanding things you will do this summer. And you do it because you are a professional teacher.
Day One is complete. So much lays ahead. Here we go!
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